Thursday, January 3, 2013

There always seems to be a debate between birth moms and adoptive moms about the Real-ness of their honor.

This particularly grieves my heart terribly. There is a scripture that says something about people parish for lack of vision. This topic serves that scripture well. There really is alot more that we as a people could learn from this "lack of vision",  between moms. We can cause a person to parish emotionally if we are not careful. So we really need to treat everyone with dignity and respect for all participation in life.

My friend was told that she was not a real mom b/c she had not birthed a child.  Now, this really hits so very close to my heart that upon hearing it I want to throw a fit.

My friend- I would say to you that YOU are a mom and so is a woman that gave birth. YOU are an Exceptional mom! God made an exception for you! Not that it would exclude one mom vs another. Rather to expand the love that both of you have to give. This is what I see:

I see Jesus standing there, arms open wide. I see room on both sides of HIM. The left and the right. Not one side is Holier than the other or more or less honorable. He doesn't just leave the room before Him wide open HE begins to close it. Bringing all to the left and all to the right before Him. Folding His arms close to His heart. Above is HIS FACE shining! the God-head Trinity! There's room! He says. All of this is possible b/c of HIM. He brings together moms of this world, all for kingdom purposes. He doesn't stand to divide. He says there's room for all.

Let's look in John 19: 26-30

When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside the disciple he loves, he said to her, " Woman, he is your son." And he said to this disciple, "She is your mother." And from then on this disciple took her into his home.

So this tells me that adoption is VERY close to the HEART OF OUR LORD, JESUS! He proclaimed it on the cross! Adoption was birthed again in the New Testament as well as in the Old Testament. Jesus tells us so on Calvary!

So my friend, I would say the same to you as Jesus did."Woman, he is your son, She is your mother".
Please go and read the scriptures in John for yourself. Let the words of Jesus heal both your hearts. I pray the love so freely given to you both will also break down the walls between you and heal you both and together you both can go great things for the kingdom. That's what we are called to do, anyway. Aren't we!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Vision- I see a few people standing by the edge of water. I get the sense that they are happy. I then see a person in water being lain backwards into the water. It's a Baptism. When all of a sudden I see the same man arise up out of the water and as he does the water changes to dirt. I notice a garden. What once was a lake, river something larger than a bathtub.... hehe All of a sudden changed to a dirt garden as the man came up from under the water.  It was amazing. I have been meditating on the scriptures lately regarding Baptism. I was in bed relaxing with my eyes closed and I was having a conversation with the Holy Spirit. I do this just about every night before I go to sleep. When I realized what the Lord had showed me I then asked the Holy Spirit to bring it back to my memory during the next day so that I could write it down.  This vision speaks directly to my heart and I can't wait to see what the Lord will do with it........12-4-12

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Oh Saturday, Oh Saturday!

So today we are suppose to get a winter storm. yuk! Right now as I am typing it has begun to snow. Yes, little flakes that are whisking around not ready to touch the ground just yet. The wind is picking up and sounding more like it is trying to rearrange our yard and anything loose fittin on the house. Yikes! Hope all this lasts but maybe a second..........hmmm

I just finished the book Radical. Loved it. I knew I would and I certainly knew I was meant to read it. Lot's of things stood out to me. Alot of things he mentioned it seems like I already knew just hadn't seen it in print before. It spoke to my heart, the same heartbeat that I was already on. I would love to see his passion spring up everywhere. I have had that secret wish inside for years. I have felt that same desire for change since the beginning of this millennium. I have always had a passion for all the children left without. Whatever the " with out " means to them.

I am just now getting ready to read UNconditional? The Call of Jesus to Radical Forgiveness.
This book is written by my very own Pastor, Brian Zahnd. I absolutely love, love, love our family's Pastors. Brian and his wife Peri are simply sweet people. the sweetness just drips off them. I tell you the truth. I can't imagine where our family would be if we set under any other authority hear on earth. God has brought so much to us through Word of Life Church's Ministry, I just can't say enough about them. I haven't spoke about them much on this blog b/c I never wanted to mention someone by name on here in case-well just say I never thought it was using my manners. So, I will say this I believe EVERY person that has ever heard of Jesus should read THIS BOOK. Not b/c it's our Pastor as the author. It's b/c I believe that God worked in our Pastor to give us a " seed in season ". So to speak. I believe that everyone would be blessed beyond what words can say. If you? are interested in reading this book you can pick it up at Amazon dot com. I must say also that this book is being endorsed by Miroslav Volf, Eugene H. Peterson, Brian Houston, Clancy Martin, REV. Adam Hamilton, and Vinson Synan. that is quite a list. But none the less a must read. Be blessed!

Another note- we are heading up north tomorrow right after church to see our granny chil' sing her little heart out at the Christmas Program. this is the highlight of my life. We have been blessed with a gorgeous granny chil' that happens to love to S-I-N-G! who knew. Only God. So we will be sitting in the highest place of honor tomorrow watching with all the wonder and excitement possible for these two middle agers. Lovin every minute of it.........

Blessed! Yes, we are. thank you Jesus!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ever have problems sleeping??

Well, that was my problem a couple nights ago. I just couldn't shut off the day. I then started to pray in the spirit and I began to think about something my husband and I had talked about one day.

He was sharing with me about his childhood adventures with his brother. Just one day in the life of a child living on a farm, but the story he shared started to really have an impact on me.

He shared about how he and his older brother would watch their dad leave in the mornings to farm the fields and they would run out to the yard and play themselves as they imagined their dad was farming.
He recalled that they would get their toy tractors and trucks and small hand made bales of hay and work the fields that they created with their hands.

They would make paths for the tractors to travel to and fro and they would reconstruct in their yard a whole play land that would resemble one day in the life of their father.

Then he recalls that one of the tractors would suddenly get a flat tire and they would have to stop farming and tend to the tire.
They would work fervently on that tire-taking a trip back to the farm w/the other tractor and loading up all the tools necessary for the repair.

They would load up such things as chains so they could hoist the tractor up and change that tire.

This is what began to impact me.
These little boys would re-act one day in the life of their father by playing as they " thought " their dads life was.

But............. their dads tractor tire would not need repaired b/c their dads tire was just fine.

These boys decided that their experience in life would be best if there were trials in the adventure of it.

You see, they were not even interested in just a simple day-nothing goes wrong-everything works for the good-kind of play day.

They knew that they would need the trials in the adventure to make the experience better.
They would get more out of the play day if they threw in the trials and the tribulations of the journey.

To them, these small little boys, life was best when there were complications to the day.

Their days were most remembered in the trials they created b/c it caused them to go about something off the beaten path so to speak.

The trials in their play were not distractions they were mountain overcoming miracles b/c they knew they would find a way to recover and their adventure would be best lived out b/c of the trials.

They knew that the experiences would be richer. That they would be richer b/c of the experiences.

Isn't that just amazing.

It reminds me of a scripture- Is. 11:6b NLT

and a little child will lead them all.

This is so significant to our lives right now. There is so much adventure for us to experience and we will be richer for it. If.......

We allow the God of the universe to form us by the trials and trust that HE has found a way for us. Every tire will get changed its just a matter of resting in HIM.

How many times do we watch our children play??

Our little girls trying to be little mommies and yet every time their baby seems to always need to go to the doctor.

Our little boys need a motor changed or a wreck happens and they need to haul the vehicle home.

What are our little ones trying to teach us???

Maybe we are formed by the trials and just maybe the trials in our lives are not distractions but character building treasures that only we " human beings " get to live out.

Of all God's creation- we are fully alive in Christ. What is your experiences in life that you remember the most??

Are they the ones tied to a trial?

What makes us fully alive is our experiences..........

Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's Snowing, it's snowing!

Today is the official first day of snow here. Just a scatter thus far but, I know that more is coming. I am glad that this snow has finally come and now we can stop wondering when?? Then again, it was fun wondering when it might snow for the first time. It was also fun to play the game w/the kids- guess what day will be the first day of snow? I think our guesses were way off but now the guessing can stop. Some of the magic, or mystery is gone now that we have our official snow.

Well, we ended up w/ just a scatter today. It sure was magical watching it flurry from the sky. It almost seemed as if we were in one of those snow bulbs. They never look magical until someone decides to shake them up. That's how it felt today. Not much happening in the day to make it interesting then......all of a sudden it began to snow. mmmmhmmm it was magical

Let me just pray- Oh Jesus let me always be reminded that I am never to old to enjoy the majestic and the mystery of this life. I pray that I am always mindful to be as a small child in life that is full of wonder and adventures just waiting. I pray that I am never so prideful to think that I must act my age. I enjoy all the splendor that awaits me and my family and makes this life full- I mean full! Your blessings Lord surely make us rich........I pray that as Your Word says " knowledge puffs itself up " that I am mindful of this and that we understand why knowledge is given and that it is not about status. I pray that I remember that You have something else for us, we....just have to look for it. With childlike eyes and a mind that is open to mystery and the wonders of this life. Thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus

Monday, November 15, 2010

New Day!

Today is NEW Day.
We have alot starting to happen around here. We still.....have not heard any more with respect to the sibling group.

Phil 1:29
For you have been given not only the priviledge of trusting in Christ but also the priviledge of suffering for him.

I did have a dream the other night that a little boy came to live w/us. His name was Eddie. Hmmmm

He sure was cute, about 3 I would say. It was unclear to me if he was foster or adoption. Not that it matters. It's just fascinating to me that God is still bringing us children even if it is in our dreams.

We are being lead right now to go on. What does that mean? Well, we happen to know what it means. You see- we have always known that our dream lives in us. Yet while things don't always appear to be something that looks logical, God Himself is still at work in our lives. So, from knowing that much we are to go on. Move towards another place. Not linger like w/inactivity. After all we do live from faith to faith, glory to glory.

The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me alot over the weekend about adoption. What I believe the Holy Spirit is making sure I grasp hold of is this: the reason most children are adopted is b/c of the original curse put on this earth. When Eve took of the tree of knowledge the consequences were to follow. That allowed sin to have its place in the earth. That sin is now responsible for so many children's adoptions. I am not saying all. Just that women are choosing to let go of the very life that was birthed from them b/c in alot of cases they don't have the resources available to them to make any other choices. This breaks my heart.

Right now in this very moment some woman is doing just that- letting go of the life she birthed in this earth. If we just take a moment and let the reality of her choice sink in-it makes adoption very humbling.

Phil 2:3-4
Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested inothers, too, and what they are doing.

My heart weeps for these mother's and their choices. They are courageous, self-less, and powerless (in most cases) to the judgement (the sin in this world). That is what breaks my heart more than anything. The judgement or sin,(the mother's situation) causes her to let go. Whether it be finances, relational, or legalistic her situation is so pressing that she has to let go.

It's so very hard to put myself there in her shoes- I know that there is such a deep sense of pain I feel for her when I think that a daughter of Abraham"s God, has to choose.

I mean think about it-Abraham so longed for a child. Sarah too. Could you imagine for a moment what we would say to Sarah if she were to walk the earth w/us for a day. Sarah, the mother God used to bring the life of Issac into the earth would probably not be able to stop weeping for these mother's. It has never been God's Will for these women to have to make these choices. Sarah would tell us that. God would never EXPECT one of His creations to lack of anything. Especially to be overcome by sin.

I want to make sure you are hearing my heart. I am NOT CONDEMNING THE CHOICES OF THESE MOTHER'S. I am however, grieving for them, weeping for them. I am moved by them.

Phil. 2: 1-2
Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose.

I hate like anything that THEY have to choose. I hate it. I hate that something caused them to have to let go. I don't agree w/hate. I do agree w/holy boldness towards sin.

Phil. 25-8
Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. He made himself nothing; he took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form. And in human form he obediently humbled himself even further by dying a criminal's death on a cross.

I know that the sins of this age are much more greater in volume than ever before. Meaning, more people more sinning.

I just really want my heart to really search God's heart- and be in remembrance of the gift.
The sacrificial gift, of adoption.

This is the story of Adoption. Adoption into God's Family. This is Salvation. The Bible tells us that God, hates injustice.

HE never wanted anything for us that causes us pain, grief, loss, shame, discomfort etc.

HE has always longed for us to have joy, peace, prosperity, righteousness, and love, abiding etc.

He has never expected us to have to let go of what HE has called to us by HIS Grace.

It's this very Grace that gives us each other in salvation and by this Grace that we open our hearts towards others to embrace ALL of GOD'S GLORY TOGETHER!

b/c OF sin.

The very reason we are called to adopt is the very reason we were adopted into God's Family. God always makes a WAY.

HIS WAY IS JESUS- Jesus overcame sin and death. He made a way even when it seemed like there was no other way. Do you see the parallels??

Jesus uses us to be His hands and feet. To embrace others w/our hands and to walk towards others w/our feet.

Just as I hate that mother's have to choose to let go of a child they birthed b/c of circumstances beyond their control (sin) God hates it too. It is the injustice of it all. To His people.

Now I am seeing the justice or the beautiful of adoption. WOW
Both forms of adoption-adoption into the Kingdom of God and adoption into a family (like ours).

Can you see it??

I pray for the many, many well they estimate that there is 163 million orphans worldwide so that means there are 163 million mother's that humbled themselves and let go. I may not know what their shoes feel like but Jesus absolutely understands and was their example. They too, are my example. They too suffered just like Christ. My prayer for the mother's is Phil. 1: 11

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation-those good things that are produced in your life by Jesus Christ-for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

I pray that laborers be put in your path and that what the devil meant for evil God will turn it around for your good and that salvation in Christ Jesus is yours. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Adoption is beautiful! Thank you Jesus for giving us so much. Thank you Holy Spirit for moving in my heart and allowing me to see the connection.

Your Grace does abound towards me and my family that we having all sufficiency in every area for all manner of work. hallelujah Jesus

Thank you Jesus for using us.................

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The GREATNESS of our God

verse 1- / Give me eyes to see/ More of who You are/ May what I behold/ Still my anxious heart/ Take what I have known/ And break it all apart/ You my God are greater still/

chorus 1- /No sky contains/ No doubt restrains/ All You are/ The greatness of our God/ I spend my life to know/ And I'm far from close/ To all You are/ The greatness of our God/

verse 2- /Give my grace to see/ Beyond this moment here/ To believe that there/ Is nothing left to fear/ That You alone are high above it all/ You my God are greater STILL/

bridge- /And there is nothing/ That could ever separate us/ There is nothing that could ever/ Separate us from Your Love/ No life No death of this/ I am convinced/ You my GOD ARE GREATER STILL/

chorus 2-/ No words could say/ Or song convey/ All YOU are/ The greatness of our God/ I spend my life to know/ And I'm far from close/ To ALL You are/ THE GREATNESS OF OUR GOD///

This is song from Hillsong Live 2010- Beautiful Exchange

I really, really can't say enough about this CD. Hillsong never-ever let's me down. Just when I think how could they ever create something better than this they DO! Praise God

I have been singing this song for months now and I didn't really understand to the fullest what I was singing until yesterday. This song just kept coming to me- I'd sing it some and then I would get a message from the song. Like this would be great to sew into a friends life b/c they are going thru a trial right now and it has really shook it all up. Enough said. then

I began to realize thru the power of the Holy Spirit that I myself and my family have also been trialed and our world has been shook up some too. Hmmmm.......

Here is what I have been made aware of-
We have been seeing alot of deaths lately. Alot! Period

This is so unnecessary however it is where we are, what takes place here and such. Well- we have been looking at our dream as a possible death also. Until the Lord spoke to me that we have been considering a funeral when it is God who determines whether our dream has life or death.

See, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that our dream has been in a coma so we in all our thinking have been trying in our own vain tryings to determine whether life support should be stopped or not. But- Jesus has said- up to the point of death, LOOK UP! HERE I AM! SEE, I AM HIGH AND LIFTED UP ( then all of a sudden I saw this wooden cross with Jesus on top of it-then it turned into a tree trunk-thick and solid) JESUS CONTINUED-


Let's look at the Word of God and see what it says:
Phil. 2: 9
Because of this, God raised him up to the heights of heaven and gave him a name that is above every other name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

My Lord and King- Jesus you are my everything, my all in all- my forever! I am sooo sorry that I have been so wrapped up in my thoughts of this world and not Your thoughts of this world. You have showed me once again how Your Saving Power works in my life yet still! You have saved me Jesus! So kids! Here's the deal

Our GOD is GREATER STILL!!!! HE loves YOU, and me and HE LOVES ORPHANS! They are HIS CHOSEN! So

WE ARE DOING THIS--------STILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While our dream may be in a coma-life support can continue and we know what to do!

there is so much to do-so little time- must go for now
Grace, Grace